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Please consume these superb drinks to lower your BP

Posted on: 24/Jul/2019 10:04:40 AM
Blood pressure (BP) or hypertension is very common issue affecting many these days. Many reasons like stress, sedentary lifestyle etc contributes to this BP in us. It is important to mention that BP should be treated on time or else it could result in many cardiovascular diseases in us.

It is not always healthy to consume medicine to lower BP in us. Certain changes in the diet plus making some lifestyle changes could lower our blood pressure. There are certain drinks that could be consumed so that BP becomes lowered.

These drinks are

Hibiscus tea intake:
Instant relief from high BP is got by the intake of hibiscus tea. This tea is reddish in colour and has got many amazing nutrients in it. To control BP as many as 3 cups of this tea should be consumed. It must be noted that this tea is good for the health of our liver also.

Pomegranate juice intake:
This juice is loaded with many nutrients and it ensures smooth circulation of blood. It is said that a glass of pomegranate daily could solve many issues in us. The anti-inflammatory property of this juice makes it superb for those having arthritis issue.

Cranberry juice intake:
Cranberry belongs to the family ‘Ericaceae’ and it is low creeping shrub or vine. The flowers of cranberry are dark pink. Intake of cranberry juice would do wonders for our health. Blood pressure gets lowered. It is believed that by drinking a glass of this juice every day could provide a solution for high BP.

Fenugreek or methi water intake:
The fibres present in fenugreek helps in controlling the blood pressure. By consuming this methi water early morning we could get huge benefits. It is said that after few days of regular intake of this methi water we could get better BP numbers in us.

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