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Be careful about these health issues we could get by excess intake of apples

Posted on: 02/Jan/2019 6:00:50 PM
Mostly present in Asia and Europe, apples are sweet edible fruits that are consumed by many. The apples are highly delicious to taste and it is from the apple tree or malus domestica we get apple fruit. Apple has got ingredients like calories, proteins, carbohydrates, sugar, fibre etc in them. Majority of us know that intake of apple could provide us many health benefits like lowering risk of getting cancers, hypertension, diabetes etc. We would be shocked to know that intake of more apples could also result in many health issues in us.

These are the various issues caused due to consumption of excess apples

Weight gain:

The presence of calories and sugar in the apples could make us to gain weight when we consume apple frequently. For those who follow low-carbohydrate diet and who want to lose their weights through ketosis, intake of apples would not be a correct choice.

Heart disease:

The presence of high content of fructose could create issues. It is known that glucose is absorbed into all body cells of energy. Fructose is only used in the liver and in the liver it produces fats called triglycerides. This could result in the heart issues in us.

Tooth enamel gets eroded:

It is important to note that enamel is one of the four major tissues that make up the tooth in us. Erosion of enamel takes place when we consume excess of apples.

Increase in blood sugar levels:

Our blood sugar levels must be controlled so that we could avoid diabetes etc. By excess intake of apples our blood sugar levels get increased and this could lead to headaches, blurred vision etc.

Could cause allergies:

It is said that intake of dried apples could lead to allergic reactions in certain people as the sulphur dioxide that is added to the dried apples could create issues.  So be careful.

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