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Health benefits of Watercress

Posted on: 25/Dec/2018 10:04:54 AM
Found growing in Europe and Asia, watercress is an aquatic plant and it has got a botanical name ‘Nasturtium Officinale’. The amazing piece of news is this watercress is the oldest known leafy vegetable that is consumed by humans. The leaf structure is pinnately compound and the hollow stems of watercress could be seen floating in the water. The leaves of watercress are small with green or white coloured and it attracts many insects. Many ingredients are present in watercress and they are folates, carbohydrates, proteins, water plus minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, E, K etc.

Intake of watercress could provide us these health benefits.

BP gets lowered:

The lutein and zeaxanthin in watercress does remarkably in lessening atherosclerosis and reduces any increase in the blood pressure or BP. The minerals like calcium, magnesium etc in watercress could also lower BP.

Bone health is improved:

It is said that intake of watercress could improve our bone health to a great extent. The presence of vitamin K in watercress plays a huge role in this. Intake of watercress could result in modifying bone matrix proteins plus increases the absorption of calcium. Bones get superb strength.

Cancer prevented:

It is revealed that the breast cancer could be prevented by intake of watercress. The anti-carcinogenic properties play an important role in the prevention of cancer. During the treatment of cancer, intake of water cress could act as a protective shield for the tissues.

Better functioning of thyroid glands:

For the thyroid gland to function well, iodine is needed is a known fact. By consuming watercress thyroid related issues could be avoided easily as iodine is present in high amounts in the watercress.

Immunity is boosted:

The important point is vitamin C is present in watercress and this could stimulate and improve the immunity.  Repelling of the free radicals takes place by the antioxidants released by the vitamins. Finally our immune system gets strengthened by the elimination of the free radicals.

Cardiovascular health is good:

Coronary heart diseases and heart attacks could be avoided by lutein content present in the watercress. The LDL cholesterol levels get reduced by the intake of watercress. Vitamin C plays a huge role in improving cardiac health in us.

Prevents cognitive decline:

This is also one superb health benefit of consuming watercress. Improvement in our brain function is brought about by vitamin C in watercress. Neuron building activity could be increased by regular intake of watercress by us. The presence of folates in watercress prevents cognitive decline due to ageing.

Good for weight loss:

The very low calorie content and absence of fat in the water cress plays a superb role here. It is revealed that the high fibre content in watercress could make us feel full and lower the hunger. By this intake of more foods could be avoided and hence weight loss is possible.

Good for eyesight:

The health of our eyes could be superb by the intake of watercress having vitamin A in it. Issues like macular degeneration could be avoided.

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