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Do you want healthy kidneys then avoid consuming these foods?

Posted on: 14/May/2018 6:57:24 PM
Located at the back of the abdominal cavity, kidneys are bean shaped organs. There are 2 kidneys in us and they are present on both sides of our body. Ureter is attached to each kidney and this ureter carries excreted urine to the bladder. It is known that Kidney is a very important organ and it helps in filtering of blood to produce urine. Enough care must be taken so that the kidneys function properly and are not damaged.

These below mentioned foods must be avoided at any cost for our kidneys to perform efficiently.

Avoid intake of processed foods - This is one important factor that could lead to damage to kidneys. The presence of high amounts of sodium plus nitrates in the processed foods like meat, wafers, chicken create health hazards like kidney damage etc in us. One alternative is we could consume fresh food and meat as they have low nitrate and sodium in them.

Avoid butter consumption - It is well known that butter has got high levels of cholesterol plus calories and saturated fats as it is made up of animal fats. Reduction in the intake of butter and changing to vegetable oil is important because they have good fats. Intake of olive oil is superb as it has low trans fat. Apart from kidneys, liver also gets affected by excess butter intake.

Say no to soda drinks - This is very important and soda drinks and carbonated drinks could lead to kidney issues in us. Loaded with artificial sweeteners and sugars, soda is not at all good for our health. Soda drinks intake might leads to weigh gain also and that is not good.

Say no to Mayonnaise - Used in composed salads and sandwiches, mayonnaise are rich in saturated fats, sodium, sugars etc. So avoid consuming mayonnaise at any cost as they might affect kidneys etc.

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