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Why eating dates in the summer is also good for our health?

Posted on: 12/May/2018 4:40:51 PM
Now we are in the peak of summer season. During this time it is important for us to consume foods that are cooling and hydrating.

Belonging to the family ‘Arececeae’ dates are cultivated in places like North Africa, Middle East, South Asia etc. The dates we see are mostly reddish in colour but they might also be yellowish depending on the type. Usually it is said that consuming dates generate great heat in our body and hence dates must be consumed during winter season only.

But it is not true. Dates could be consumed even during the summer times as it provides us many health benefits.

Some of the health benefits of consuming dates are

Bones get strength - This is one superb benefit of eating dates. Issues like osteoporosis could be reduced by these dates. The presence of manganese, selenium plus others like copper and magnesium etc are superb and these give our bones great strength.

Treats intestinal issues in us - Nicotine in dates play an important role in treating many intestine based issues in us. The growth of pathological organisms would be stopped by consuming dates daily. The amino acids and fibres in dates help us in solving digestive issues in us.

Good for anaemia - People who are anaemic must consume dates. The rich iron content in dates help in treating anaemia in the people.

Superb energy booster - This is also one superb health benefits of having dates as they are rich in glucose, fructose etc that boosts energy in us. It must be noted that after workout consuming dates is amazing and it provided instant energy.

Proper nervous system is maintained - Presence of vitamins in dates is involved in this work of maintaining proper nervous system. Those who want to keep their mind active and sharp consume dates.

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