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Tips to stay fit during monsoon

Posted on: 30/Oct/2017 4:21:47 PM
Your everyday exercise regimen may be affected due to the surprising rain showers in the early hours of the day! Does that mean you need to end up going back to your unfit, fat body, without being in shape during this monsoon? Here are a few tips that can help you in carrying out your daily workout routine without any break. Check out some of the simple and easy tips that can help you stay fit and still continue with your workout regime in spite of heavy downpour.
Spot running will help
If you are unable to go for walking or a jog due to heavy rain showers, choose to do some physical workout that is equally potential right at your home. Spot running indoors is a good option to start with. Being with warmup exercises. Remember to wear your regular workout attire while working out indoors. Never start exercising without wearing the running shoes.
Have exercising devices handy
Have exercising devices such as skipping rope, resistance band, treadmill, etc. handy. With these, you will never have the chance of skipping any workout routine.
One other way to stay fit is yoga. In addition to helping you stay fit, it also keeps respiratory troubles at bay. Practice yoga poses within your own living space. Try a few body weight workouts like squats and pushups. You can improve a lot of muscle strength with these.
Make best use of stairs
Stairs can be very helpful to work out within a home. Just a few times, go on to climb the stairs. Apart from strengthening the core, it also helps in toning your lower body.
Go, turn the music on
If you perhaps love dancing like many do, exercise is going to be a lot more fun than you think. Just turn on the music and go on dancing as though nobody is there to watch you. You can lose a lot of kilos with aerobics or Zumba.
Do your household chores
Well, how about doing those household works? They can largely help in maintaining your body shape even during monsoon when it is tough to head out. Do activities like washing clothes or sweeping the floor and doing the dishes all of which are helpful chores.
When it raining next time and you get disappointed for not being able to head out for a brisk walk or jog, remember these simple tips and practice them right within your home.

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