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Anger Management!

Posted on: 03/Nov/2014 4:54:10 PM

Do you aware that learning to control anger is good for your health? People who control their anger get sick very less often, and feel better psychologically. Although anger is an innate natural emotion, at times it can head to act that is sore.

Need to control anger:

The difficulty in understanding and controlling anger at a young age makes you more probable to have physical problems that can happen now or in the future. This props up because your mind and your body are associated. Without the proper control of angry feelings can put stress on your body which can in turn brings in medical problems like Heart diseases, High blood pressure, chronic lower back pain, Stomach problems and so on. Also it can put you at the menace of progressing mental health concerns including Depression, Eating problems, and Substance abuse, Drug, alcohol or other addictions, Suicidal thoughts and Relationship problems.    

Common Feelings of Anger:

Your heart suffers like it is racing and it beats faster and pounding in your chest, or in your head. You breathe faster and you cannot hold your breath. Your muscles may tighten and your body experiences it tense on the edge. Your body temperature might get increased and you may sense hot and you sweat a lot.

Effective Ways to Control Your Temper:

The way to manage your temper solely relies on you. Each individual needs to allot some time to think about what toils fine for him or her.

Here are some valuable tips:

Boost up your problem solving skills. When undergoing a tough situation, ascertain as much as you can on it and feel about what had occurred and spot and name all the sorts of feelings you are encountering. It might be angry or disappointment or embarrassment. This will avert you from making rapid judgments that might be off beam. Keep in mind that there are several ways to look at the same circumstances.

Take blame for your actions. You really have the potent to fix on how you will act in certain situatitions upfront of time if you acquire a way to “Hold a cool head”. The simple trap of ‘counting up to 10′ before countering can be very obliging in keeping your cool.

Think about the upshots of your behavior. Recognize that how you conduct influence not only you but also those you adore and others surrounding you.

Focus on what disturbs you. When you’re adept to find out what elicits angry feelings, you can make verdicts on how to control these triggers. At times, they are avertable and other times it is not; it is up to you to be geared up with tactics that will aid you remain in good control.

Relaxation Techniques when feeling Angry:

Relaxation techniques work by pacifying us. When we are calm, our bodies chill out, and physical problems beget on by anger like headache, usually vanish. Try the following techniques that you for relax:

Acquire relaxed deep breaths. Breathe in and slowly breathe out works well when you feel like your breathing is very fast.

Say again and again a calming word like “I am in control of my feelings”.

Stiffen your muscles and then relax them.

Close your eyes and feel about a person, place, or thing that you like very much.

Safest Way to express your anger:

Here are few safe ways to express your anger:

Talk to somebody whom you trust. Call or meet somebody you trust; it might be your friend, relative, or teacher. You also can go for a counselor to assist you work on grasping your feelings and cultivating strategies to deal with them.

Exercise. Get your anger out by having a long walk or run, work out at the gym or engage in a sport. Exercise initiates the discharge of a chemical in the brain called “endorphins” that make us undergo relelaxed and calm. You can also attempt a relaxing exercise like yoga to calm yourself.

Listen to music. Music has a way of soothing the nerves and the soul. Listen to your IPod, singing alone in the car radio or playing an instrument.

Draw, paint, or do creative art projects. Being creative is an active means for anger and aids them manage their feelings.

Rest. Anger takes our energy away and makes us feel tired. It is good to take a break, nap, or go to bed early on.

Controlling your temper might be tough at first. A successful way to do this is to express regret. “I’m sorry” is a potent phrase that can aid to manage anger.  

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