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High BP could be due to these every day things, take care

Posted on: 03/Feb/2020 6:17:39 PM
These days, people who are 25 years of age are getting diagnosed with hypertension or high BP.

It is revealed that about 30 percent or one in three persons have this high BP issue in them. This lifestyle disease could result in many other types of health complications also. It is important that we must take care so that we do not get affected with hypertension issue.

The normal BP range in adults is more than 120 over 80 and less than 140 over 90 (120/80 to 140/90) is known.

These everyday things we do could lead to high blood pressure in us.

Sitting throughout the day:
People might feel that their 9 to 5 sitting job is paying them high salaries but the point is this job could also lead to hypertension or high BP. Point here is sitting for long hours could promote fat storage and weight gain. As a result, BP becomes high. It is advised that those who do sitting jobs must do 1 hour of physical activities like swimming, walking, running, cycling etc everyday.  

Consuming too much alcohol:
Some persons drink alcohol to relax or unwind after work. It is said that too much of alcohol intake could lead to high blood pressure. To avoid getting high BP, it is important to drink alcohol in moderate amounts and then follow it with days of detox.

Too much salt intake:
Many of us love eating chips or some other salty foods etc. These foods are rich in sodium and kidneys react to them by retaining water. It must be noted that the body ends up with too many fluids running through the bloodstream. This could increase the blood pressure on the blood vessels. It is must to avoid processed as much as we can.

This is also one every day thing that causes the BP to become more. It is important to note that stress could lead adrenal glands to pump out BP increasing hormones. Blood vessels contact due to body’s natural fight to flight response and longer we are stressed the more we are putting our heart at risk.

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