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Broken friendships could be brought back by these ways

Posted on: 24/Oct/2019 9:57:51 AM
No two human beings are same and friendship between persons has got ups and downs.

The truth is the difference of opinion between 2 close persons might result in breaking up of strong friendship also. It is worthy to note that some friendships reconcile later whereas other friendships fades away. The important point is ending friendship with someone with whom we have spent our precious moments could hurt us badly. Sorting out the issue would be superb and by this friendships would continue smoothly for a long time.

There are few ways by which broken friendships could be brought together. These are

Find out the cause for break up in friendship:
This is very important and must be carried out without fail. The person who had fought with you would have had some reason and this reason must be found out. Identifying the root cause of the problem is very essential. It must be noted that once the problem is identified then it is possible to fix it easily.

Say good bye to ego:
Friendships and ego do not go hand in hand. It must be taken into account that ‘ego’ would spoil any friendship the persons in broken friendship must not let their ego come in between their friendship at any cost. The efforts to sort out the issue must have a sense of humility and not be a fake one.

Try initiating reconciliation yourself:
Try to be the first in reconciliation and don’t wait for your friend to come to you. It must be noted that whether the mistake for separation is yours or not but taking the first step to solve the issue is very important.

Listen to what your friend says:
The point is after making the first attempt to sort out the friendship listening to what your friend is saying is important. It is revealed that by letting your friend speak his mind it is possible to know what has been going on in his or her mind.

Important to forgive or seek forgiveness:
Don’t hesitate to say ‘sorry’ to your friend after exchanging the thoughts. Seeking forgiveness and forgiving each other must be done without fail.

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