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Do you know about these natural ways for treating bipolar disorder issue in us?

Posted on: 05/Oct/2018 10:09:07 AM
In our society we might have come across few persons having mood swings plus having changes in sleep, behaviour and thinking patterns etc. It is said that bipolar disorder is a mental illness and those having this issue have above mentioned symptoms in them.  Another name given to bipolar disorder is manic depression. This bipolar disorder could be due to both genetic as well as environmental factors.

Few important symptoms of bipolar disorder:

There are few symptoms seen in people having this bipolar disorder. The symptoms are restlessness, rapid speech, poor concentration, less need for sleep etc. Becoming more impulsive is also one important sign present in the people diagnosed with this issue. People diagnosed with this issue find both their lives and getting through the day very difficult.

There are few natural ways by which the issue of bipolar disorder could be managed or treated. These are


Symptoms of this bipolar disorder could be reduced by certain exercises. Many research studies have proved this. Exercises such as walking, jogging etc are superb. Our body would release feel good chemicals more during exercising and these chemicals like endorphins etc helps in combating stress and depression. Hence it is important to do exercises to prevent or manage this disorder.

Taking part in hobbies:

Activities like gardening, reading or baking would be beneficial for those with bipolar disorder. These hobbies or activities must be done irrespective of mood swings. The person with bipolar issue would feel much better once he/she starts showing interest in these hobbies.

Healthy routine to be followed:

People when depressed or sad do not eat at correct time. Sometimes they consume unhealthy foods etc. In addition to this the affected persons would sleep too little or too much and these make the bipolar symptoms worse. It is revealed that by adopting healthy habits and routines one could reduce the symptoms.

Do not isolate yourself:

This is an important natural way to treat the bipolar disorder issue. People with bipolar disorder isolate themselves from all social gatherings and this could make the symptoms of this issue to increase more. By spending time with friends and family members or by getting involved in social activities this issue could be treated.

By doing yoga and meditation etc:

These days yoga and meditation are playing amazing roles in the lives of many.  Not only these have helped many persons to manage physical health related issues but also their mental health based issues. It is brought out that by yoga and meditation persons affected by bipolar disorder issue could bring their mood swings under control.

Intake of omega-3 fatty acids:

Intake of omega-3 fatty acids could be highly beneficial to those affected with bipolar disorder. Research studies have confirmed that intake of 300mg of omega-3 fatty acids every day to depression treatment plane could enhance the results.

Using rhodiola herb:

This rhodidiola rosea is a perennial flowering plant and is found in places like Europe, Asia etc. This herb has been used to manage stress and for treating bipolar disorder. It is a good adjunct for those on antidepressants.

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