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Consuming caffeinated drink boosts productivity, study

Posted on: 10/Jun/2018 8:40:02 AM
According to a new study, sipping coffee is said to increase productivity and team strength and help a team work together as team.

If they have had caffeinated drinks before starting a work, researchers say the team players show better performance and better results and thus greater appreciation and recognition for their works.

The study result points that under the influence of caffeinated drink, the participants were more involved in discussions. Further, they were even more specific on the topic as compared to the counterparts who did not have such caffeinated drink.

A doctoral student from the Ohio State University states that caffeinated drink makes people more alert and attentive.

It is this increase in alertness that results in overall positive results and improved team performance, he adds.

While there are several researchers who have studied about how caffeine affects the ways in which people perform, this is the very first study to analyze how caffeinated drink helps in bettering performance.

In the first study, 72 undergraduate students were involved all of whom were coffee consumers. They refrained from consuming coffee throughout the experiment. And half of this population was made to indulge in coffee-testing task. They were divided into 5 groups.

After drinking coffee and providing rate to its flavor, they had to work out on a filler task for about 30 minutes. The remaining half of the studied people were made to take coffee after the experiment got over.

After this session, both groups were made to talk about and analyze a controversial topic like the liberal movement and economic inequality. Once this discussion got over, the members were made to self-evaluate and also evaluate the other members.

The results of this test states that those who had coffee tend to rate themselves and others in a very positive manner, and the vice-versa with those who did not consume coffee.

Similarly, one more study was conducted. This involved 61 students all of whom were made to drink coffee at the beginning of the study of which half of them were given decaf and remaining half with caffeinated drink. Participants who consumed caffeinated drink tend to analyze themselves and give positive reviews about oneself than the counterparts who did not have caffeinated drink.

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