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Do you know by doing exercises daily we could get many health benefits?

Posted on: 29/May/2018 9:51:49 AM
These days we often come across many who do exercises daily. Physical fitness plus overall health of an individual is very important and doing exercise daily provides these two. It is not necessary that we must go to gym to do exercises. Simple exercises such as running, jogging, brisk walking, working out at home etc are also superb and they provide us many health benefits.

Some health benefits of exercising daily are

Osteoporosis is prevented - One of the main reason to do exercise daily is the issue due to osteoporosis could be prevented in us. As we age our bones become weak and porous due to unhealthy lifestyles etc. This leads to a condition termed as osteoporosis. In adults fractures take place easily due to the presence weak bones. As per research studies it is said that doing exercises regularly from young age could prevent this osteoporosis issue.

Depression could be treated naturally - Not many know that depression in us could be treated by doing exercises regularly.  It must be noted that exercising increases serotonin and endorphins production in us and these hormones treat depression naturally.

Prevents cancers in us - Doing exercises daily could prevent many types of cancers in us. Breast cancers, lung cancers, colon cancers etc could be totally avoided by regular exercises. The risk of cancer is cut by 33 % by doing exercises regularly.

Sexual life is improved - These days many issues arise due to poor sex life and sex life could be spiced up by exercising regularly. Strengthening of libido is got as the endorphin hormone in the brain is produced more.

Parkinson’s disease could be avoided -This Parkinson’s disease occurs mostly in those who are more than 50 years of age. Dopamine hormone levels in the brain are increased by regular exercises and thereby the Parkinson’s disease could be prevented in our old age. 

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