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Adding walnuts in our diet provides us many health benefits

Posted on: 22/May/2018 9:36:56 AM
Many people consume walnuts regularly these days. Being the seed of a drupaceous nut this walnut belongs to the family named ‘Juglandaceae’. Rich in proteins and essential fatty acids, walnut are round single seeded stone fruits that are used for meat after fully ripening. By consuming 20 grams of walnuts, almonds etc many diseases attacking us could be prevented. Persian or English walnut and black walnut are two major species of walnuts. These walnuts are mainly grown for their seeds. Storing of these walnuts is very important and lack of proper storage could result in fungal mould infection etc.

By consuming walnuts regularly we could get these below mentioned health benefits.

Reduces the cancer risk - This is one remarkable health benefit of walnuts intake. Prostrate as well as breast cancer could be reduced by consuming these walnuts. It is superb that intake of walnuts could reduce prostate cancer by 40 %.

Improves heart health - People with heart issues need not worry anymore as intake of walnuts with amino acid I-arginine gives multi vascular benefits. Be careful when you are affected with herpes issue as consuming walnuts would trigger the arginine level. Blood clots are prevented because the presence of omega 3 fat alpha- linolenic acid or ALA in it plays huge role due to its anti-inflammatory property.

Good control of weight - This is also one superb advantage of consuming walnuts regularly. It is amazing to mention that those people who have consumed walnuts in their foods have lost nearly 1.4 extra pounds of weight. By consuming walnuts our hunger gets satiated.

Reproductive health gets improved in men - Not many know that intake of walnuts could actually improve the reproductive health in men. It must be noted that male fertility gets improved. Regular intake of these walnuts by men has resulted in improved sperm quality.

Good for diabetes - Those who have type 2 diabetes in them then metabolic parameters gets improved by the intake of walnuts. People affected with diabetes issues must take walnuts that are rich in omega 3 fats, copper, biotin etc. Reduction in the fasting sugar levels is possible in obese adults when they consume walnuts.

Good antioxidant power - These walnuts are antioxidant rich foods and have free radical scavenging power. Liver damage due to chemicals could be prevented by the intake of walnuts. It is worthy to mention that walnuts are rich in rare antioxidants such as tannin, quinine juglone, flavonol morine etc and these could fight effectively against free radicals.

Good for brain health - The activity of brain is increased by omega 3 fatty acids present in the walnuts. Treating of cognitive disorders like dementia and epilepsy is possible by the intake of walnuts.

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