Kumari Palany & Co

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Avoid these mistakes that prevents us from losing excess stomach weight

Losing excess stomach weight or belly fat is a major issue for many of us now. It is said that to lose excess stomach weight successfully requires lots of determination plus perseverance.

Posted On :17/Jan/2019 11:07:25 AM

Do you know these nuts could control our type-2 diabetes?

There are many persons around us who have got high blood sugar levels in them. These persons are said to be having type-2 diabetes.

Posted On :16/Jan/2019 10:42:46 AM

Risks of lung attacks gets reduced by vitamin D supplements

There are many people who have got COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in them. It is worthy to note that this COPD is a type of obstructive lung disease with long term breathing issues and poor airflow.

Posted On :12/Jan/2019 9:26:12 AM

Want a flat belly, then eat these fat burning foods

People often find it difficult to lose their excess stomach weight or belly weight in them inspite of taking many efforts. It is said that weight loss is not an easy task but it could be made easier.

Posted On :11/Jan/2019 10:23:17 AM

Anti-inflammatory diet could help us to live for many years

The important piece of news collected was by consuming anti-inflammatory diet we would be able to live long and healthy. A diet with fruits and vegetables should be consumed by us so that we could live for many years.

Posted On :10/Jan/2019 10:12:14 AM

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