Kumari Palany & Co

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Are you above 40 and feeling bored then you can take up these hobbies

Many people feel bored after they have reached 40 years of age. There is no need to worry because there are various activities available for a person above 40 now.

Posted On :12/Sep/2019 9:36:39 AM

Why we must consume purple cabbage?

Belonging to the same family as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc, purple cabbage or red cabbage is a nutrient rich vegetable. It must be noted that purple cabbage

Posted On :11/Sep/2019 6:00:32 PM

Want to improve your skin quality quickly, eat these fruits without fail

The point here is by switching to natural things instead of the beauty products suggested by the internet information we could get a superb solution for skin quality. Fruits must be included in the diet and our skin quality would improve instantly.

Posted On :11/Sep/2019 9:29:05 AM

Be careful, these could increase your anxiety more

It is common these days that many of us have distress or mind uneasiness caused due to fear. The point is the anxiety is a human emotion associated with panic, fear and fight/flight response.

Posted On :10/Sep/2019 4:35:19 PM

Be careful, these health issues could be due to poor oral health

Majority of us give so much important to our health but when it comes to the oral health we dont care that much. It must be noted that oral health is also important

Posted On :10/Sep/2019 9:54:06 AM

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