Kumari Palany & Co

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Some health benefits of consuming water melons

Water melons belongs to the family called ‘Cucurbitaceae’ is known to us. Found mostly in subtropical and tropical places these water melons have juicy flesh in reddish colour.

Posted On :19/Feb/2018 10:54:22 AM

Health benefits of consuming lemon juice

Belonging to the family called Rutaceae the lemons are used widely is well known to us. There are reports confirming that this lemon is a hybrid of bitter orange and citron.

Posted On :19/Feb/2018 9:54:15 AM

To avoid stress daily run five kilometres

In this fast paced world everybody leads stressful life is well known. These days stress begins very early even at teen age due to many factors.

Posted On :16/Feb/2018 9:18:16 AM

Coffee in the evening affects sleep, says study

According to research led by the University of Colorado Boulder and the Medical Research Councils Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, evening caffeine delayed the internal circadian clock.

Posted On :15/Feb/2018 11:10:35 AM

Avoiding the Flu Infection catching you at workplace

There are various ways to catch an infection on your workspace depending on the surrounding cleanliness and your own immunity level.

Posted On :12/Feb/2018 3:47:48 PM

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