Kumari Palany & Co

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Why overconsumption of vitamin C is not good for our health?

Posted on: 02/Jul/2018 10:22:42 AM
We all know that vitamin C is superb for our health as it provides many health benefits like keeping body cells healthy, growth plus repair of tissues, heals wounds, maintains skin etc. Do you know that consuming this vitamin C in excess is not good for our health and is harmful?

These are various issues we get by consuming vitamin C in excess amounts. They are

Gastrointestinal issues:

Issues such as cramps in the stomach plus nausea and diarrhoea are got when vitamin C is consumed in excess. When vitamin C does not get absorbed properly by our gastrointestinal system then issues occurs.  Overdose of supplements cause this issue in us and by stopping or reducing the supplements the issue could be solved.

Kidney stones:

When vitamin C is metabolized, oxalates are produced and it is excreted in the urine. Oxalates in high amounts could combine with calcium in the blood to form kidney stone in us. Vitamin C must not be consumed in excess amounts by those who have got renal issues like kidney stones etc. The important piece of information is those who consume more than 1000 mg of vitamin C every day have got high risk of getting kidney stones in them. So we must be careful.

Cardiovascular diseases:

The antioxidant property of vitamin C is simply superb and it protects us from many illnesses etc. Those who consume vitamin C in excess get many cardiovascular diseases. It is worthy to mention here that risk of getting cardiovascular diseases is more for the post menopausal women with diabetes issues when they consume more than 300 mg of vitamin C supplements.

Iron overload:

Vitamin C helps in iron absorption is known. Anaemia occurs due to iron deficiency and this anaemia is prevented due to vitamin C.  Absorption of non-heme iron is promoted by the vitamin C. Iron toxicity is faced by those when high intake of vitamin C enhances the iron absorption. This would happen to those with high iron content. When intake of vitamin C in huge amounts is carried out for a longer duration then the damage of tissues takes place in those with hemochromatosis issue.