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Things that must be followed in public places, in offices during the extended lock down

Posted on: 02/May/2020 9:58:18 AM
It has been revealed by the Union Home Ministry that the lock down has been extended till 17th May 2020 in India. The total number of Corona virus positive cases in India has gone above 35,000. In this scenario, the government has instructed few important things that must be followed strictly at the public places and at the offices.

Things to follow compulsorily in the public places:
Wearing face masks is essential in the public places. Social distancing must be followed in the public places and also during transportation. There should not be more than 5 persons together in the public places. In marriages and other important functions etc, not more than 50 persons would be allowed. Maintaining social distancing is very important in these functions. It was pointed out that not more than 20 persons would be allowed for funeral activities etc.

In the public places, people must not spit and the people must not consume drinks or pan, gutkha etc in the public places. In those places that were given permission, drinks shops, pan shops, gutkha shops etc could function but a distance of 6 feet must be maintained. At a given time, more than 5 persons would not be allowed.

Things to follow compulsorily in the offices:
It is a must to wear face masks while working in the work spots and the organisations must ensure that there are enough face masks available for the employees. It is important to maintain social distancing at the offices while working and also while travelling in the transport vehicles.

Enough care must be taken so that the entrances of the offices, office canteens, office meeting areas, building premises, electric lifts, places having waste water pumps, toilets etc are neat and clean. In addition to wearing face masks, social distancing must be maintained by the employees inside the offices. Hand washing solutions must be kept in important places in the offices. Pregnant women, kids and those who are above 65 years of age would not be allowed.

It is compulsory that all the employees must have downloaded ‘Arogya Sethu’ app in their mobile phones. The head of the organisation must make sure that all its employees have downloaded this app. Meetings with large number of people would not be allowed in the offices. There should be enough time intervals between each shift. List having nearby hospitals and clinics must be pasted on the offices for the sake of the employees.

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