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How does Intermittent fasting helps for optimum health

Posted on: 29/Oct/2018 1:52:34 PM
Recent research papers throughout the world vouch for the ancient method of fasting as a natural cure for almost all kind of bodily and mental imbalances ranging from obesity, diabetes, heart issues and even depression. Modern medicine do not accept the fact of avoiding food as a remedy for health related imbalances. But the science of fasting has larger scope than the earlier prejudices shows some of the latest experiments and research on the topic.

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is the lifestyle of restricting the hours of food consumption within a limited time period on a given day. Round the clock fasting for more than 12 hours will allow the body to realign itself providing tons of benefits physically and mentally. In intermittent fasting there are two scales, fasting and feasting period. For instance if you eat your last meal of the day before 8.00 P.M then you should fast till the next day afternoon 12 P.M, coming around 16 hours of fasting. In this 16 hour fasting window one should not consume any kind of food except water. After 12 P.M the feasting window starts and for about 8 hours till 8 P.M anything can be eaten in moderation preferably healthy as well as tasty. Calorie restriction need not be done in this 8 hour feasting window. This type of fasting is called as 16/8 IF- Intermittent Fasting.

Similarly there are many IF methods like 5:2 Fasting method, 24 hours fasting, 18/6 IF, Warrior method (only 4 hour eating window), etc. During the fasting hours our bodies use all kind of glucose in the entire system. Then the live glycogen also used after 12 hours of fasting. Then the actual benefit starts where our body taps the fat for energy. This method of adapting fat for fuel is known as Ketogenic adaptation. In this zone the burning of fat and other harmful tissues are used by the body for alternate energy system after depriving food for more than 12 hours.

Rejuvenation and revitalizing of entire body system takes place during the fasting period that balances the body temperature, hormones and nervous system. A research confirms that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) will boosts to a whopping 1300 to 2000 percentage in our body during the fasting period. This HGH improves the growth ability of our bodies and also by increasing the immune power. For these advantages only ancient people followed the science of fasting combined along with the religious and spiritual compositions.