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Various causes for low weight in the babies at their time of their birth

Posted on: 04/Aug/2018 9:55:12 AM
Pregnancy is an important period in the lives of a woman and at the end of their pregnancies all women desire to have healthy baby. Not always healthy babies are born and there are times when a baby is born having low weight. When a baby born has weight less than 2500 gms then the baby is said to be low birth weight baby. Normal weight babies lead normal lives but low weight babies face breathing or immunity issues in the first few weeks of their lives. It is important to note that these low weight babies are more weak and ill equipped to deal with the new environment around them.

These are the various causes for low weight in the babies during their birth.

Premature birth:

It is necessary that a baby must complete certain amount of time inside the mother’s womb. A baby born before the time would have low weight. The low weight babies would be taken care in the hospital until it reaches the required weight.

Low oxygen supply:

This is also one reason for the low weight in the babies at their time of their birth. When the baby present inside the womb receives less oxygen than the required amount then it could result in low weight.


In some mothers a high BP condition develops during their pregnancies and this is termed as preeclampsia. This high BP could restrict the blood flow to the baby. The normal supply of oxygen plus nutrients to the baby gets reduced. Then the baby is born with low weight.


Both active as well as passive smoking is dangerous and it could lead to baby with less weight. The blood vessels get constricted in reaction to nicotine present in smoke. Adequate supply of oxygen and other minerals to the baby would be blocked.

Intake of alcohol:

Studies have shown that women who drink alcohol gave birth to babies with low weight. Non drinkers give birth to the babies in the normal weight indexes. 


Also called as uterine fibroids or uterine leiomyomas, fibroids are benign tumours in the uterus. In the pregnant women these fibroids take up the space needed for the baby to grow. As a result the baby is born with low weight.

Constant stress:

Stress could be due to many factors like work situations, family issues, finance issues etc. When a pregnant woman is constantly stressed then she could give birth to low weight baby.

Not consuming enough nutrition:

It is said that when a pregnant women do not consume enough food or nutritious food then she would give birth to low weight baby. Iron rich food must be consumed by the pregnant women to deliver a healthy and normal baby.

Multiple pregnancies:

In case of twins or multiple babies there are chances that either some or all of them would have low weight at the birth. Inside the womb of the mother the babies compete for oxygen plus nutrients space etc. Multiple babies could also be born prematurely in addition to having low weight.

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