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These signs would reveal that you are a very strict parent!!

Posted on: 05/May/2022 9:46:58 AM
While some parents are very understanding, give their kids lots of love and are easy going etc, there are other parents who are very strict with their kids. Discipline is very important for these strict parents and they would do anything for it. Strict parents often punish their kids a lot. The child would get affected when the parents handle them roughly and that is not at all good for the development of the child.

There are various signs that strict parents would show and these are

Parents putting too many rules:
It is okay if a parent puts one or two rules on their kids but putting too many rules could create a negative impact on the child. Setting rules would discipline the kids

Child lies a lot:
When the parent is too strict, then the child would not tell the truth to them and they would tell lies only to escape from the punishment. It would be good if the parent reduces their strict attitude a little when their kid lies a lot to them.

Parents not taking feedback:
It is important that parents must listen to their kids with an open mind before setting rules. Truth is that parents must have one-to-one conversations with their kids and this would put an end to all the problems. 

Parents not letting kids to make their own choice:
Kids must not be controlled by the parents always and they must be given some freedom or liberty to decide for themselves. By this, the kids would be able to face the world easily on their own in the future.

Parent giving very tough punishments:
Strict parents always punish their kids for every mistake and this would create fear in the kids. Parents must not make statements that would sound very harsh.

Parents not appreciating at all:
It would be good if the parent appreciates their kids for their efforts. It should not matter even if the kids fail in their efforts. Strict parents never appreciate their kids. Appreciation would encourage the kids to do better next time.

Parents nagging constantly:
Parenzs must try to evaluate their behaviour first if they complain about their kids for everything. Truth is that the issue is with parents and not with the kids.

Kids not coming close to parents:
When parents show kindness then the kids would go to their parents to sort out their issues. In case of strict parents, this doesn’t happen and the kids feel scared to go to their parents. B Bitter truth is that the relationship between the kids and parents would get affected.

Kids not bringing friends to home:
This clearly indicates that the kid is scared of his or her parents. Strict parents would always remind their kids about the rules and would always criticise them. The kids would not bring their friends to the homes.

Kids not having time for fun:
It is essential that kids must have some time to have fun. The strict parents would deprive their kid free time as they would engage their kids in many activities.

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