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Health benefits of consuming lemon juice

Posted on: 19/Feb/2018 9:54:15 AM
Belonging to the family called Rutaceae the lemons are used widely is well known to us. There are reports confirming that this lemon is a hybrid of bitter orange and citron.

It must be noted that it was in the middle of the 15th century this cultivation of lemons was first done in Europe. These lemons have vitamin c in huge proportions is a known fact. The lemon juice has got many uses and people consume it to treat some of their health issues. Some of the important benefits of consuming lemon juice are

Treatment of Fever - This lemon juice could be used to treat fever in persons as it raises perspiration and breaks fevers.

Treatment for indigestion - This is one important health issue in the people and the lemon juice consumption could cure both indigestion as well as constipation problems.

Treatment of dental based problems - Pain in our teeth could be stopped by using the lemon juice and this could be possible by applying the juice on the area of toothache. Bleeding of gums could also be cured by massaging lemon juice over it.

Lemon juice for hair care - It is now said that by applying the lemon juice on our hairs issues such as dandruff, hair loss and many scalp related problems would be cured.

Treatment of skin related problems -   Antiseptic nature of this lemon juice plays an important role in skin care of the individuals. It is clear that by using this lemon juice issues like acne, eczema could be cured. When the lemon juice is mixed with honey and water and taken healthy glow could be got on the skin.

Lemon juice for weight loss - One important piece of information is the consumption of lemon juice along with lukewarm water and honey would result in the loss in weight also.

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