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These foods could relieve us from stress.

Posted on: 02/Feb/2020 12:19:34 PM
Stress is very dangerous and it could affect the functioning of digestive system, immune system and nervous system.  

It is possible to reduce this stress by many ways by doing yoga, meditation, exercises etc. Our stress levels could also be lowered by consuming certain foods. The important piece of information is when we get stressed our body craves for nutrients such as vitamin B and C, magnesium, selenium etc.

It is believed that the amount of nutrients we consume would have huge impact on the body’s neural circuits that controls motivation, mood and emotion etc.

These foods when consumed could provide relief from stress and calms us down.

By consuming dark chocolate:

Stress hormone cortisol gets lowered to a great extent when we consume dark chocolates. Our mood would get boosted by consuming dark chocolates rich in polyphenols and flavanols etc.

By consuming avocados:

Avocados have vitamin A, E plus omega 3 fatty acids plus other essential nutrients and intake of avocados could provide relief from stress. It must be noted that omega 3 fatty acids could reduce stress, depression and anxiety etc.

By consuming leafy greens:

Rich in magnesium, leafy greens like spinach, kale etc could regulate cortisol or stress hormone in us. Research studies have shown that those who have low magnesium are more likely to be stressed out.

By consuming fatty fishes:

We could get relief from stress by consuming fatty fishes like tuna, sardines, salmon etc. These fishes are rich in omega 3 fatty acids plus vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 etc.

By consuming nuts:

Nuts like walnuts, pistachios are rich in magnesium, vitamin B, zinc and healthy fats etc and intake of these nuts could relieve us from stress.

By consuming oatmeal:

Stress hormone serotonin gets regulated when we consume oatmeal. It is worth mentioning here that oatmeal is rich in magnesium, in vitamin B and would lower stress and elevate our mood.

By consuming citrus fruits:

Studies have shown that stress could be lowered by the consumption of citrus fruits that are rich in vitamin C. Fact is citrus fruits could lower our physical stress, emotional stress and anxiety. 

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