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Benefits of using castor oil in the winter season

Posted on: 03/Jan/2020 2:47:38 PM
Multi-Purpose vegetable oil is being used by the people for many years and this vegetable oil is pressed from seeds of Ricinus communis plant. Important point is these seeds are called as castor beans.

It is known that castor oil is colourless to pale yellow liquid and it has got a unique taste and smell. The derivatives of castor oil are used in the manufacture of soaps, lubricants etc are known. It is worthy to mention that castor oil is well known as a source of ricinoleic acid.

Our skin is stripped of the natural moisture in the winter season due to dry weather and harsh winds. Therefore, it is normal that we wash our face with hot water in the winter season and this too removes natural oils from the skin. In the winter season, we could get issues like chapping, acne, redness etc due to the dryness of the skin. Chemicals present in various cosmetics and skincare products would cause more harm to our skin.

By application of castor oil, we would be able to keep our skin in healthy condition naturally.

These are the various ways by which castor oil could be used in the winter times.

As natural laxative:

Various health issues such as constipation, stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhoea etc could get treated by castor oil.

As a skin moisturizer:

We could get smooth as well as supple skin by the application of castor oil. This castor oil could be added as drops to the face mask or it could be applied evenly on the skin as a moisturizer.

As a wound healer:

It is revealed that cuts and wounds could be treated well by using castor oil with anti-inflammatory properties.

Could make hairs healthy and strong:

Not many of us are aware of the fact that castor oil could make our hairs stronger and healthy. It is because of certain compounds in castor oil.

Good for the skin:

Many of us get fungal infections, acne etc in the winter seasons and by application of castor oil, it is possible that we could be cured of these issues.

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