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Women could get these health issues after 40 years of age

Posted on: 17/Sep/2019 5:57:15 PM
It is not possible for anyone to be young and without any health issue always. The point is we all age and it is said that we must embrace the process of ageing. Women particularly don’t like to show their ageing and they mostly want to look young and glowing all the time. It is important to mention that not only wrinkles and saggy skin occurs during ageing but also some changes occur in the body.

Women must know about these health issues which they get when they are 40 and above.

Osteoporosis Issue:

The point is the bones of women start deteriorating as they age and old bone tissue is absorbed faster without creating new tissue. This makes the bones weak. It is said that calcium deficiency could be the reason for this.

Difficulty in getting Pregnant:

It must be taken into account that when a woman reaches 40 or more then she would experience reduced frequency of ovulation, decrease in cervical fluid, poor egg quality etc. Getting pregnant becomes very difficult for women.

Getting Fatigued:

This is one common issue for a woman above 40. It is revealed that fatigue could be an indication of thyroid or anaemia etc. Enough care must be taken when this issue occurs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

We would have come across many women above 40 in our family complaining about severe pain in their joints in legs. This issue occurs in the majority of women above 40. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto-immune disorder is known.

High BP:

At the age of 40 and above, most women would be concerned about their families. They would neglect their health and diet and this could result in high BP.  

Breast Cancer:

Though it could occur at any age, women above 40 are more prone to breast cancer. Hence it is necessary that women must take care of their health and any issue regarding their breasts must be consulted with the doctor immediately. 

More Obese:

It must be noted that women who are 40 and above have the issue of overweight is known. They must not ignore it as excess weight could lead to other health issues.

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