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Men must consume these foods to improve their sperm count

Posted on: 28/Feb/2019 10:19:44 AM
Just like how a married woman feels happy when she becomes pregnant, men also feel delighted when they know that they have the ability to make their wives pregnant and become a father. The shocking truth is there are many men in this society who are unable to make their wives happy by making them pregnant. It is said that improper and irregular food habits could lead to infertility in men. Not many men know that what they eat has got direct impact on the quality and quantity of their sperm.  The fact is healthy sperms are very important in the fertility of a male.

These foods that could increase the sperm count in the males.

Intake of eggs:

For increasing the sperm count and for better sperm health, intake of eggs is superb. Sperm cells could be protected from the free radicals by the presence of proteins and vitamin E in the eggs. It is known that these free radicals could decrease the sperm count in the males.

Intake of spinach:

It is said that by consuming spinach plus other green leafy vegetables the sperm count in males would be more. The folic acid n the spinach plays huge role in this. Malformed sperm production could be prevented when men consume folate rich foods. Birth defects in newborns could be avoided by intake spinach etc.

Intake of bananas:

Mobility of the sperm and production of sperm could be increased when males consume banana that is rich in magnesium, vitamin B1 and vitamin. Regulation of sex hormones is possible. The point is bromelain present in bananas could boost the sperm count.

Intake of garlic:

This garlic is often used to make many delicious dishes is known to us. Intake of garlic could enhance the production of sperms in the scrotum in males. The presence of allicin in the garlic stimulates blood circulation to all parts. Presence of selenium and vitamin B6 in garlic could help in healthy sperm production.

Intake of zinc rich foods:

Intake of foods that are rich in zinc like beans, barley etc could be highly beneficial to men as they could improve the sperm count.

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