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These are the reasons for fiddlehead ferns being important to us

Posted on: 21/Feb/2019 10:27:32 AM
Resembling a fiddle or violin head, fiddlehead are curly, young tender growth shoots of fern plant family. These fiddleheads are usually cut close to the ground. It must be noted that when left on the plant each fiddlehead would unroll into a new fond. The point is these fiddleheads grow in early spring and are harvested before the frond is opened.

Fiddlehead ferns are of various types like ostrich fern, cinnamon fern, lady fern, bracken fern etc.

The amazing piece of information is fiddlehead ferns have protein, carbohydrate, vitamins like A, C , riboflavin, niacin, thiamine plus minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus etc in them.

Various benefits we could get by consuming fiddlehead ferns are

Anaemia is improved:

The presence of iron in fiddlehead ferns increases the RBC count. In the RBC of the blood, most of the body’s iron is present. Better absorption of iron is possible by the presence of vitamin C in this fiddlehead fern.

Heart health becomes good:

The heart health could be due to both potassium and niacin and these two are found in this fiddle head ferns. It is known that high BP could lead to stroke by damaging the blood vessels in the brain. The potassium in fiddle head ferns could stabilize the BP in us. The superb information is niacin or vitamin b3 could lowers triglyceride levels and boosts good cholesterol in us.

Cancer is prevented or lowered:

Free radicals are responsible for cancer is known. The presence of beta carotene, vitamin A, C does tremendously in fighting these cancer causing free radicals. Stabilization of free radicals takes place and hence cancer risk gets lowered.

Immunity is improved well:

Our immune system gets superb strength by the intake of fiddlehead ferns having rich amounts of vitamin C in them. Resistance against infections like bacteria, virus etc is got by vitamin C. By this our body would not be attacked by these.

Superb for eye health:

Improvement in the eyesight and prevention of night blindness could be possible by consuming fiddlehead ferns having vitamin A in them.  Risk of getting issues like macular degeneration, glaucoma etc are avoided.

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