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Few ways to treat excessive hunger during pregnancy

Posted on: 30/Jul/2018 9:26:42 AM
Being over hungry during pregnancy is very common and this is found more in the second trimester. Some women experience great hunger even in the first trimester itself. It is still not clear regarding the exact point in the second trimester when women starts feeling more hungry. This varies from one pregnant woman to another.

The main reason for excessive hunger during second trimester is due to the fact that there is another life inside the pregnant woman. This leads to a situation where the body requires more food than the normal. It is by means of hunger pangs that our body is informing the pregnant women to increase the intake of food.

There are some remedies for this increased hunger in pregnant women.

Planning the calories intake is a must:

The quantity of food a pregnant woman consumes must be known to her. Planning the calories intake is a good idea. It is worthy to note that in the first and second trimester 300 extra calories would be needed where as in the fourth trimester 450 more calories would be needed.

Breaking the meals into smaller meals:

This is also one superb remedy for this issue. By taking six or seven small meals instead of three big meals would not leave much time for the hunger pangs to build up huge hunger. This breaking up of meals would ensure that meals are not spaced far from each other.

Eat healthy items:

It is important that the pregnant mothers must consume healthy food like yogurt, fruits, sprouts etc. They must be careful to avoid food items like chips, cookies etc that are unhealthy.

Drink more water:

Dehydration could be confused with hunger as the body is working overtime during the pregnancy. Drinking more water is important as the body feels full and this could help in avoiding over eating.

Not skip breakfast:

Pregnant women face issues like nausea, morning sickness and they skip breakfast. By this their health gets affected and would lead to feeling weak throughout the day. By having breakfast it is possible for the pregnant women to deal with severe hunger pangs.

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