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By these below mentioned ways we could prevent hearing loss in us

Posted on: 12/Apr/2018 11:20:24 AM
We all hear many sounds and react according to those. Have you ever thought how we would be if we can’t hear sounds?

Hearing loss is one of the common issues everyone in this world has. When a person partially or fully loses his ability to hear sounds then the person is said to have hearing loss or hearing impairment.

This hearing loss is known to affect one or both ears in us. It is important to note that this hearing loss in kids create issues for them with respect to learning spoken language whereas in the adults this issue of hearing loss would result in many professional related activities. 

Various factors like genes, heavy noise, ageing etc contribute to this hearing loss.

There are many ways to prevent hearing loss in us and they are

Try to avoid loud noises affecting us - Loud noises and hearing loss go hand in hand. So people must avoid hearing loud noises. Places where loud noises are present must be totally avoided.

Stop inserting things into your ear - This is one of the most important factors that cause hearing loss. Please avoid inserting things like buds, fingers etc.

Proper treatment of ear infections - It is known that middle ear gets affected by an ear infection called Otitis media and it could be in both young as well in adults. Proper care and treatment must be done so that the infection doesn’t result in hearing loss.

Say no to smoking - Smokers know that smoking is injurious to health but they do not know that fact that smoking causes hearing loss also. It must be noted that tobacco present in cigarettes cause loss of hearing in us and smoking must be avoided.

Use earplugs - This is a must for those who cannot avoid getting exposed to heavy sounds. Ear plugs or earmuffs help us in preventing heavy sounds affecting our ears. Thereby loss in hearing is avoided.

Use headphones - Hearing loss could also be due to audio devices so it is advisable to use headphones instead of earphones.

Healthy food consumption - It is important to consume healthy and balanced food to avoid heating loss.

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