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Why you should include raw food with every meal

Posted on: 07/Mar/2016 10:19:57 AM
Experts believe that humans have reduced their life spans to about half of their potential due to chronic diseases caused by diet and lifestyle. They believe that diseases including cancer, arthritis and the like are partly because of cooked, processed and packaged food, and not skilfully handling psychological stress. 

According to a leading dietician, Burnt nutrients are silent killers. Slowly and silently as the years pass, the harmful effects of these accumulated toxins start showing up.

Here are a few things that could cause an imbalance when food is heated. For one, the protein molecular structure alters and hardens. This destructs some essential amino acids. When overheated, fats generate numerous carcinogens. Carbohydrates caramelise or become sticky generates carcinogens such as hydrocarbons, nitrosamines, acrolein and benzopyrene. 

When heated, food loses about half of its vitamins and minerals and all of its enzymes. Cellulose loses its ability too clean the alimentary canal as natural fibres break down. 

In addition to this, pesticides that are present in plants are converted into compounds that are highly toxic. Any oxygen in the food is lost and free radicals are produced. Cooking food also lets in inorganic minerals into the blood. These minerals settle in the blood vessels, which leads to premature ageing of the joints and internal organs. 

To prevent all this, experts suggest eating raw foods rather than cooked. They highly recommend eating some raw food along with every meal, in the form of sprouts, salads or fruits. 

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