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Few Common Health issues, Men Ignore

Posted on: 24/Jan/2015 10:20:29 AM

With women well known to endure stern health issues now-a-days, men`s health anxieties have taken a backseat. Among several health issues dogging them, here are the top most common issues that men should not flout.

Chest pain: Most men ally chest pain with a heart attack, but there are many other health ailments that share this common symptom. A lung disorder including pneumonia, a pulmonary embolism, or asthma are also linked with continuous chest pain. "With rising stress levels and detrimental food habits, gastrointestinal health illness such as acid reflux or stomach ulcer are frequent among men. These conditions instigate austere chest pain and should not be overlooked," says psychiatrist experts.

Breathlessness: Collapsing short of breath is a customary complaint amid men, and it signifies critical health worries associated to cardiovascular system. It may also be a sign of lung diseases, like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, or pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, breathlessness is also an indication of anemia, which is usual in men now-a-days.

Fatigue: Men encounter intense tiredness and a constant dearth of energy on a regular basis. In few cases, it goes even advance to embrace lack of motivation, negativity and lack of sleep. "Fatigue can also be a sign of a more stern physical or psychological health state. Cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, infections, and kidney or liver disease are a few severe ailments that are associated to fatigue, which should not be neglected. It can also specify the crashing of the thyroid gland," says general physician.

Depression: Statistics denotes that men are more inclined to depression, the motive being men endure a lot of stress; from a lot of prospects to accord for family and society. This clues to restlessness, stress and depression as they are not uttered about their problems. "Depression fallouts from over bustle of the brain annoying to get neurochemicals (such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) to act from all over the body. The brain then goes to a cessation mode. Though, in depression, the brain halts a lot of activity to maintain these chemicals, which bring in anger and suicidal thoughts.

Memory loss: It is not very simple as overlooking where you place the cheque book or very important papers. Forgetfulness is more familiar in men than women. "Forgetfulness can be instigated by age to some degree. Conversely, it can also i imply several other critical issues like Alzheimer`s disease, brain tumours, brain damage or inflammation, and so on. Vitamin defects also initiate memory loss, which is not a safe sign.

Urinary crisis: Just like women, men also suffer genital concerns which are chiefly ignored. Bloody urine or problem in urinating among men is of stern concern, as it can be owing to kidney and liver ailments. Bloody urine can be a sign for prostate cancer and kidney stone, inflammation of bladder. "If neglected, this can steer to further ailments among them. Amplified prostate or prostate cancer is very normal among men, but men lean to snub the early signs, which even exacerbate the problem, says DNB Urology experts.

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