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Do you fart too much, then you must avoid these foods and follow certain eating habits?

Posted on: 15/Sep/2022 7:06:32 PM
There are times in our lives when we would have felt embarrassed!!

Point is that we would not be able to control certain things and examples are burping, farting etc. We would feel embarrassed when we do these two. Farting occurs very frequently in some persons because of the foods they consume. On an average, a person would release 0.6 to 1.8litres of gas per day caused by the bacteria present in our colon. This would be as a part of the digestion process. This research work regarding the daily release of gases has been published in the journal Gastrointestinal Society. It must be noted that a healthy person would pass the intestinal gas 12 to 25 times a day.

Reasons for the formation of gases or farting:
Undigested carbohydrates like soluble as well as insoluble fibres could lead to the production of gases inside us. Others would include starch based foods and sugary foods. Foods that are rich in sulphur, foods rich in complex sugars, foods rich in sugar alcohols etc could lead to the production of gases. Truth is that foods that are hard to break down could lead to excessive farting in us.

Foods to avoid to be free from excess farting:
It is necessary to avoid certain foods like beans and legumes, root veggies, starchy foods, cruciferous vegetables, whole grains and broccoli etc. Not many would be aware of the fact that beer and wine they drink has got sulphur that could result in excess farting.

Various eating habits to reduce excess farting:
It is important to do exercises etc and stay active. Chewing the food slowly would make us swallow less air. Truth is that swallowing of air could lead to farting in us. If you want to eat beans and legumes, then make it a point to soak them in advance and this would release gas causing properties of these foods. Avoid consuming fizzy drinks or chewing gums or hard candies etc as they could result in farting by making us swallow air.

Various foods to eat to reduce excess farting:
It would not be possible to stop the intestinal gas totally but it could be controlled well by certain foods. If a person wants to avoid farting then he or she must eat foods like eggs, fish, lettuce, tomatoes, grapes, melons, lean meats etc. Not many would know that by sipping a cup or two of chamomile or peppermint tea we could avoid gas inside us.

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