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Be careful about these reasons behind the expansion of your waistline

Posted on: 31/Aug/2020 9:59:17 AM
Inspite of taking proper care, our waist line gets expanded. Wrong lifestyle choices and sedentary lifestyle could be a reason for this. Normally, expanding waistline is considered as a price of getting older. In women especially after menopause, fats get accumulated and this could lead to expanded waistline in them.

The expanding waistline could also be due to other factors. These are

Longer travel:
Not many would have known that their expanded waistline could be due to their long travel. This has been proved by research study. When we travel for a longer time then we would not be able to do workouts etc due to lack of time. By cycling to the office, we could prevent getting an expanded waistline in us.

Lack of calcium:
Not only our muscles get benefited by calcium intake but also the waistline could get reduced. This would flatten the stomach. It is believed that calcium keep us feel full for longer time and by this we would avoid excess eating

Having stress:
It must be noted that when we are stressed then our body releases cortisol. This would lead to more fat deposition around the stomach. It is god to practise self love and stay away from those that could create stress.

Having improper sleep cycle:
It is said that sleeping for 6 to 8 hours in the night would be superb for our health. Improper sleep cycle could lead to expanded waistline.

Watching videos on food:
Our urge to eat more food could be due to seeing videos on food and this would expand our waistline.

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