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Do you know about these side effects of consuming green tea?

Posted on: 23/Dec/2018 11:44:52 AM
We all know what a green tea and its health benefits for us. It is known that polyphenols and many vital elements are present in green tea and this green tea is being consumed by many as it is a healthy beverage with therapeutic properties in it. Our overall health would be maintained by intake of green tea. The shocking piece of news is intake of green tea could also create many health issues for us.

These are the side effects of intake of green tea


Most of us do not want headaches to occur in us and we feel highly uncomfortable when we get headaches. It is said that we would get mild headaches when we consume green tea for long times. Acute headaches could also occur when we consume green tea having caffeine in it.

Damage to kidneys:

Kidneys are very important for us and they play an important role in excretion of waste. The shocking piece of information is intake of green tea could cause damage to the kidneys and liver. The catechins in the green tea could cause liver toxicity also. So be careful.


Persons having diabetes issues in them must not consume green tea as it could affect the sugar control and insulin levels.

Muscle issues:

Muscle twitch and spasms occur in those who consume green tea often. The caffeine present in green tea causes restless leg syndrome in us. This then leads to the contraction of the muscles.

Diarrhoea issues:

In some people intake of green tea could lead to diarrhoea also. Hence it is advised not to consume green tea in huge quantities. Drinking green tea in an empty stomach must be avoided.

Creates issues in sleeping:

Many of us do not get enough sleep at the nights due to various reasons. It is revealed that intake of green tea before going to bed might be a reason for the lack of sleep. The caffeine present in the green tea could block sleep inducing elements in the brain and this could result in poor sleep. Pregnant mothers and nursing mothers should not consume green tea as it could lead to sleeping issues in the babies.

Increases heart beat:

This is also one side effect of intake of green tea. Our heart rate gets more causing irregular heartbeat in us when we consume green tea having caffeine. Issues like chest pain etc could occur.

Heart burns:

Irritation of esophageal lining takes place when green tea is consumed by us and this could cause heart burns etc. The acidic nature of green tea is responsible for this issue. Persons having heart burns already should avoid taking green tea as it could make the symptoms worse.

Issues like osteoporosis could occur:

The absorption of calcium is inhibited by the caffeine present in the green tea. In addition to this the rate of calcium excretion gets increased. This causes the calcium levels to decrease in the bones and issues like osteoporosis occurs. It is said that excess intake of green tea could negatively impact the bone matrix

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