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These are the signs of different types of blood cancer in us

Posted on: 22/Oct/2018 10:32:46 AM
These days we come across many deaths due to cancer. Blood cancer is one type of cancer that affects and kills many people. It is said that the symptoms of blood cancer usually come and go slowly. The shocking piece of information is some people do not experience any symptom at all when they are affected by blood cancer.

Some common kinds of blood cancer are leukemia, multiple myeloma and lymphoma.


Beginning in the bone marrow, leukemia could result in high numbers of abnormal WBC’s or white blood cells in us. These WBC’s live longer than they are supposed to live. One important point is the WBCs formed during leukemia do not play the role in making our body fight against infection. It is revealed that some forms of leukemia get worsened faster whereas other forms take longer time.

Few common symptoms of leukemia:

Fever, night sweats etc:

A person affected by leukemia falls sick more frequently and the recovery process is slowed down. The leukemia affected person shows signs like fever and night sweats etc.


A person with leukemia would have cancer cells growing in tonsils, lymph, liver etc and swelling of these appears.

Presence of lumps:

This is one important symptom or sign. A person affected with leukemia would have lump in his/her armpit or neck.

Feeling full:

Don’t ignore when a person feels full after consuming just small amount of food. It might be due to leukemia also.  

Unusual and unexpected loss of weight:

It is revealed that persons with leukemia would have unusual and unexpected weight loss in them. So please do not ignore this.

Clotting of blood is poor:

For our blood to clot, platelets are very important and they play an important role are known. When sufficient platelets are not produced by our body then a small cut would bleed more than often. Nose bleeding would also take place.

Multiple myeloma:

In our blood stream plasmas are another type of disease fighting cells and when a person is affected with myeloma then plasma cells grows beyond control. Formation of healthy blood cells is prevented in us.

Few common symptoms of multiple myeloma:

High calcium levels:

A person with multiple myeloma condition would have high amounts of calcium in the blood. This is hypercalcemia. It could lead to issues like constipation, confusion, loss of appetite, high thirst etc.

Bone pain:

A person with this condition would have pain in the back or ribs. The bones would become weak and thin after some time and would break.


It is known that white blood cells in lymph are called as lymphocytes and these are involved in the elimination of waste from our body. A person with lymphoma has uncontrolled growth of lymphocytes in them.

Few common symptoms of lymphoma are

Swollen lymph nodes, presence of lumps in armpit, groin etc. Person with h lymphoma show pain in the chest, bones etc. The spleen gets bigger and the person feels bloated. Person would also experience unexplained weight loss, fever etc in them.

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