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Say goodbye to itching issues in summer season by these home remedies

Posted on: 04/May/2018 3:28:14 PM
Not many people find summer season nice and happy. There are many people who get many health issues during the summer season. Itching is one common issue that many face in the summer time.

There are many reasons for this itching during summer season and the reasons are allergic reactions, sunburns, excessive sweating, heat patches etc.

Not always it is required to visit a doctor for the problem of itching in us and there are few home remedies that could bring immediate relief from itching. These home remedies are

Ice cube application - This is one of the important home remedy that could be done so that relief from itching is got. Ice cube must be wrapped in a cloth and this cloth with ice cube must be rubbed over the itching area to get superb relief. The main advantage of this is it does not cause any side effect and could be easily done three or four times in a day also.

Apply aloe vera - This aloe vera is superb and could be applied on the affected part in us. The anti-fungal plus anti-bacterial properties of this aloe vera bring us relief from itching. By extracting fresh gel from aloe vera leaves and rubbing it on our skin we could get superb benefit.

Fuller’s Earth or multani mitti application - This could be amazing for our skin as it provides coolness to our skin. Great relief from skin rashes and itching could be got by applying this multani mitti. First multani miti must be grinded and water is added to make it a paste. This paste is then applied on the itching portion to get relief.

Application of salt, turmeric and fenugreek seed paste - This is also one superb home remedy for this itching during the summers. Grinding of salt, turmeric and fenugreek sees must be done in equal proportions. A paste is made by mixing the mixture in water. This paste must be applied on the affected portion.

Taking cold showers - The summer season leads to excessive sweating in us and this could lead to itching issues. So by taking cold shower atleast twice a day this itching could be prevented

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