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One great way to lose weight this year

Posted on: 01/Jan/2018 3:53:38 PM
Here is a great tip to lose weight in 2018. All you need to do is tweak your diet only a bit and this one change is easy to follow and is super effective as well.

Eat five servings of veggies every day and every day here means every single day no matter what. Vegetables are low in calories and high in fibre. This keeps you fuller for longer and stops you from bingeing. Also, vegetables are packed with minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. When you replace your other meals with vegetables you intake fewer calories without missing the feeling of fullness.

So how does this benefit you? Not only the fiber in the veggies makes you feel fuller for longer but according to studies, every gram of fiber we eat essentially cancels out 7 calories. Fiber-rich diet is also linked with less belly fat and regulating blood sugar. 

A study was conducted where people were divided into two groups. People of both the groups ate the same number of calories but the people who had more plant food had lower BMI, slimmer waist and less inflammation. Eating more veggies every day gives you protection against many common chronic diseases and a healthier gut microbe which in turn is related to a stronger immunity. According to a study conducted at St. Andrews University, people who increased their intake of veggies were rated as more attractive than those who did not. 

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