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Some medical tests to be taken by males at the onset of 35 years of age

Posted on: 11/Mar/2016 2:17:00 PM
It would be extremely beneficial; for the individual and his family if a male at the onset of 35 years of age has some specific medical tests.

In olden times, there was the apprehension that if the parents had diabetics, their children also would get it. However, our food habits have changed thoroughly over the year and also the various chemicals that go into the food items/groceries which may lead to diabetics.
Persistent thirstiness, excessive urine passed sudden loss of weight, physical fatigue and wounds/injuries taking longer time to heal are all the symptoms for diabetes.

With blood test, diabetes can be confirmed. With the sugar content level in the blood, diabetes is confirmed. It is rather important to keep a watch on body weight.

With today`s fast life-style, it is easy to get affected by diabetes. It is a shocking news that even adolescents and youngsters are affected with diabetes.

Diabetes affects the heart and the kidney. There are no symptoms to indicate high blood pressure.

So, persons over 40 years are better advised to check blood pressure and blood fat content level every year.

Generally, more men are affected by heart attacks as compared to women. This is because of the fat accumulated in the blood.

Just like high blood pressure, there are no symptoms to detect high fat content in the blood.Only tests will confirm it.

There are 2 types of fat. HDL is a type of fat that is good for the body health where as LDL type of fat is harmful leading to high fat content in the blood.

Medical experts observe that the excess fat in the stomach is a toxic which harms the body health.

This will also affect the organs situated near the stomach as well.

If you can observe drooping extra flesh on your tummy, it is an indication of excess fat.
So, it is better to keep monitoring and maintaining that the waist measurement does not exceed 38.

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