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Breast milk is a natural vaccine, Experts

Posted on: 05/Aug/2015 10:41:03 AM
Milk secreted in the mothers of newly born is the very first naturally available vaccine for a baby! The milk secreted during the first two days of child birth is called colostrum. This contains rich proteins and immunoglobin.

In an awareness program conducted by the hospital authorities, experts at government Stanley medical college say this nutritious milk is considered as the very first vaccine for a baby for which mothers should certainly give utmost importance. The event was conducted for the World Breast Feeding Week celebrations which falls between 1st and 7th of August.

The Hospital Dean of Government Stanley Medical College, Dr. Isaac Christian Moses, while inaugurating the function said breast milk plays a vital role in both physical and mental development of the baby. It is rich in nutrients and protein. He added that these awareness programs are conducted to impart knowledge and awareness about the importance of breastfeeding in mothers.

He added that mothers can save up to Rs 10,000 with their breast milk instead of artificial feeding methods. Dr Shanthi the director in-charge of the Institute of Social Pediatrics (ISP) pointed that construing that a woman would lose her beauty by breastfeeding her baby is totally wrong and that breastfeeding would in fact reduce the possibilities of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The hospital through its department of neonatology will also involve in organizing various programs like guest lectures, breastfeeding for mothers, techniques in breastfeeding and quiz for students.

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