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Symptoms for thyroid cancer!

Posted on: 05/Jul/2015 11:27:11 AM
·         If you find there is small lump on the upper section of the throator any swelling like polyps/boils, you have to be ultra-cautious. This could be the symptom of the onset of thyroid cancer.

·         If there is a pain in the throat and any difficulty in speaking, that too with rasping sound, it may be a symptom the cancer is spreading to the nearby tissues.

·         Thyroid cancer creates swelling of the lymphocyte glandular tissues. Thyroid cancer patients can actually feel the tender swelling in the throat.

·         It will be more painful to swallow than to speak. When eating fruits or food, extra effort will be required to swallow. This is because the thyroid cancer blocks the food pipeline.

·         Thyroid patients cannot breathe in the normal style. They will have difficulty in breathing. There is also the possibility of throat getting shrunk.

·         There will be swelling in the neck area. It will be painful. The pressure on the nerves in the neck area may spread up top the ears and there might be pain in the ears as well!

If there are symptoms mentioned above, it is important to visit the doctor for medical consultation!

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