Kumari Palany & Co

Health benefits of broccoli

Posted on: 10/Dec/2018 9:53:55 AM
A cure for cancer – Broccoli contains several ingredients which attack the cancer cells and growth. Broccoli is very rich in the chemical Sulforaphane checks the controls the cancer growth. Though it is relatively small in size as compared to other vegetables, it is much more beneficial from the health aspect! A research has established that the very fresh young broccoli has the medicinal property to cure the cancer attack on the colon, especially in women. Similarly, broccoli has the cure for breast cancer when detected in the early stages.

Healthy heart – Broccoli contains excess folate which can help heart health in a large measure. Broccoli is also rich in anti-oxidants which prevent heart diseases. Broccoli also contains polyphenol which enhances the functioning of the heart.

Arrests swelling – As the leave of broccoli have the property to control the nitric acid, it ensures that the swellings in the body are prevented. As broccoli also contains Vitamin K, it also reduced the arthritis swelling.

Controls the blood sugar level – Calcium deficiency is the main cause for high blood pressure.  Broccoli is rich in calcium and chromium as well. This will control the sugar level in blood. It also enhances the improved production of insulin.

Good to check fever – The fibre content in broccoli helps the digestion system. Regular intake of broccoli enhances liver health. Digestion system would be proper.

Protects the eye – With advancing years of age, people tend to get affected by eye diseases such as cataract, etc. Broccoli checks this. It contains chemicals such as lutein and siangthin which are helpful in maintaining the health of the eyes. As broccoli also has antioxidant, it helps to control and prevents the diseases which attack the elder people. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin B2 and vitamin C  which help enhance eye efficiency and performance.

Checks fat – A research has established that broccoli reduces the bad fat up to 6% in our body/ With this exclusive result alone, many countries have started growing broccoli in large quantities!

Reduces mental tension – The sulforaphane in broccoli helps reduce the mental tension.  So, in case you detect excess mental tension, include broccoli in your diet to check it.

Strengthens the bones – Calcium is very essential for the strengthening of the bones. Broccoli has a rich calcium content. So, please include it regularly in your diet. Bones will certainly get strengthened. Also, vitamin K in broccoli helps the solidity and rigidity of the bones.

Skin protection – As the vitamin C abundant in broccoli is an antioxidant, it protects the skin. If the ground paste of the young broccoli leaves is applied on the skin, it also protects against the sun’s ultraviolet rays. It also cures if affected by these rays. Thus, it prevents the possibility of skin cancer.

Helps body weight reduction – For a habit of a regular diet with low-fat content, the food items rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre are very essential. Thus, broccoli can ideally be included in the regular diet as it is low in calories. Half-a-cup of broccoli contains only 25 calories! However, it i is richer in other minerals!

Checks anaemia – In case of any iron deficiency in the food we take, the count of blood cells reduces. This leads to anaemia. Broccoli, rich in vitamin C, he;lps improve the iron intake in the food. Thus, we can prevent anaemia by including broccoli regularly.

Reduces the body toxicity – The rich content of sulforaphane in broccoli acts against and attacks the toxic contents in the body and increases the body resistance to illnesses.

Protects good health during pregnancy – The pregnant women need calcium as an essential item and broccoli can furnish this in sufficient quantities. With the regular intake of broccoli and thus calcium, the pregnant woman will be healthier and moreover, it is also excellent for the infant’s brain health.