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Want to have a longer life, try to avoid these foods

Posted on: 29/Oct/2019 1:49:04 PM
Who doesn’t want to live long?

The truth is everybody desires to live for many years in this world. Around us, we would have seen a few persons who have been living for many years and at the same time, we would also have seen those who had a short life span.

It is worthy to mention here that the foods we consume might also play a huge role in deciding the length of our lives. The important point is if we avoid certain foods it might be possible for us to live long.

These foods must be avoided so that we could have a long life.

Avoid artificial sweeteners:

How many of us know that sugar other forms of caloric sweeteners could have an adverse effect on us. Issues like weight gain, diabetes, and heart diseases could occur in us when we consume artificial sweeteners and our lives would get shortened.

Avoid eating processed meat:

It is known that processed meats are cured, smoked and they have high amounts of sodium or other preservatives in them. We could get chronic inflammatory issues when we consume lots of processed meat. By this, our life span might be reduced.

Avoid high salt foods:

It is said that high salty foods would have high sodium and it would lead to BP, heart issues etc in us. So take care.

Avoid white bread:

Refined wheat has got negligible nutrients and has empty calories. By consuming white bread we could get high blood sugar levels and weight gain. It is advised to eat whole grain bread instead of white bread.

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