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Persons having sinus issues could try these remedies

Posted on: 20/Mar/2019 10:15:25 AM
Inflammation or swelling of the tissues lining of sinuses takes place in few persons and this is sinus issue. The other name given to this is sinusitis. When filled with air then they are said to be healthy sinuses. There are few times when sinuses are filled with fluid or germs that could grow and result in the infection. Visit a doctor if you have sinus issue and don’t ignore it.

Few reasons for this issue in us are common cold, deviated septum, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps etc. People with this sinus or sinusitis issue show several symptoms like tender face, sinus pressure, nasal congestion plus others like runny nose, headache, sore throat etc.

These remedies would be highly beneficial for those having sinus issues.

Intake of warm fluids:

To deal with sinus issue it is essential that a person takes warm water throughout the day plus includes soups etc in the diet. The point is warm fluids breaks down mucus and lowers nasal congestion in us.

Nasal wash:

Not many would know about this remedy that could be done in our homes to get relief from sinus issues.  The process of nasal wash involves washing our nostrils with help of specifically designed jug. Salt plus warm water is taken in this jug and then pour the water through nostrils. The point is water must be poured in one nostril and then by tilting the head the water flows out from other nostril.

By inhaling steam:

This is also one highly effective remedy for sinus issues. In the first step a bowl with warm water is taken and then one or two drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil is added. Finally one teaspoon of turmeric is also added. It is worthy to mention that a towel is placed over the head and the steam from the bowl is inhaled.

Eucalyptus oil:

For getting relief from sinus before going to bed, a drop of eucalyptus oil is kept on the bridge of the nose. It is known that this eucalyptus oil has got superb medicinal property in it.

Say ‘No’ to a/c:

The fact is persons having sinus issues would feel uncomfortable in the presence of air conditioners. It is advised to switch off the a/c and use fan.

Drink plenty of Water:

It is revealed that by consuming lots of water there would be less acidity and finally less mucus. So never forget to drink plenty of water.

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