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Having excess hair fall, then try these superb foods

Posted on: 23/Feb/2019 11:01:48 AM
Losing 50 to 100 hairs from the scalp daily is normal. Sometimes when you stand in front of the mirror and comb your hair or after taking head bath etc you might see lots of hairs falling or coming out.

Now please don’t worry about this issue as you are not the only one having this excess hair fall issue. The hair fall leads to hair thinning and this is commonly known as alopecia. These days many factors like stress, lack of proper nutrients, pollution, exposure to sunlight, anaemia, etc could cause excessive hair fall in us. The point is please avoid getting stressed when you have excess hair fall and instead try to eat nutritious food having ingredients that could arrest or prevent this excess hair fall.

These foods prevent excess hair fall in us.

Intake of eggs:

These oval shaped eggs have lots of proteins, vitamin B12, iron, zinc etc in them and they prevent excess hair fall in us.

Intake of carrots:

Our scalp becomes healthy by intake of carrots having vitamin A in them. It is already known fact that carrots could improve our health of the eyes. It is said that by taking carrots we could have shiny, strong hairs on the scalp.

Intake of oats:

We could say goodbye to hair fall by including oats in the morning breakfast. It is known that oats are loaded with fibre, zinc, iron, omega-6 fatty acids etc. These would stimulate hair growth and provide great strength to the hairs.

Intake of walnuts:

Our hair cuticles would be strengthened plus our scalp would get nourished when we consume walnuts. These walnuts are rich in biotin, vitamins B6, B9 plus others like magnesium, vitamin E etc.

Intake of guavas:

It is revealed that the collagen activity needed for the hair growth is provided by intake of guavas. Our hairs would not become brittle when we consume guava having rich amounts of vitamin C.

Intake of barley:

To treat thinning of hairs it is important that we must consume vitamin E. Barley is having rich amounts of this vitamin E in it and hence excess hair fall would be prevented in us.     


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