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Some of the health benefits of consuming bitter melons

Posted on: 20/Apr/2018 9:52:46 AM
Belonging to family ‘Cucurbitaceae’ these bitter melons are also known by the names like bitter gourd, bitter squash etc. They are mostly found in Asia, Africa etc. These bitter melons have warty exterior and oblong shape is known. In Tamil it is called as ‘Pavakkai’, in Hindi it is ‘Karela’, in Telugu it is ‘Kakkarakaya’.

It is well known that this bitter melon or bitter gourd is not preferred by many of us because of its bitter taste. It is confirmed that by consuming this bitter melon our health gets benefited highly.

Various health benefits these bitter melons offers us are

Superb for digestion - It is said that by consuming bitter melons the digestive system stays good. Many issues like constipation and dyspepsia could be avoided in us. Toxins inside us get eliminated and infectious bacteria in our stomach get killed when bitter melons are consumed.

Reduces cholesterol and heart attacks - This is one of the superb health benefits of having bitter melons.  The cholesterol levels in us get decreased and thereby it decreases the chances of getting heart attack.

Low in calorie content and liver stimulation - By consuming bitter melons in small quantities we get the feeling of satiation and fullness. Stimulation of liver to secrete bile juice and further increasing our metabolic activities is got by the intake of bitter melons.

Kidney stones could be avoided - By consuming bitter melons or bitter gourd kidney stones could be avoided greatly. It is well known that acids play huge role in the formation of kidney stones. This acid level is kept low by the intake of bitter melons and kidney stones are avoided.

Good for our eyes - This is also one major health benefit of consuming bitter melons. The vitamin A plus beta-carotene in bitter melons improves our optical health.

Amazing face and skin - By reducing redness and soothing acne, bitter melons give natural glow to our face. It is clear that presence of many vitamins, minerals, fibres, antioxidants in bitter melons makes our skin look fabulous.

Natural energizer - When bitter melons are consumed it improves our stamina plus energy levels in us. Our sleeping pattern gets improved.

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