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Try these essential oils to get relieved from stress and anxiety

Posted on: 18/Apr/2018 11:26:19 AM
In this modern world everybody has got anxiety and stress in them and people try various ways to get rid of this stress and anxiety in them.

How would you react if you come to know that stress and anxiety related issues could be treated by some essential oils? Surprised right!!

These essential oils have superb aroma and gives soothing effect in us. These below mentioned essential oils could help us in getting rid of stress and anxiety and they are

Rose essential oil - This is one of the most important essential oil for relieving stress and anxiety in us. When this rose essential oil is applied it reduces the stress on the mind. This rose essential oil also provides warmth to our body. It could be applied on our wrist and smelled or it could be inhaled directly.

Lavender essential oil - Pain in the head could be relieved by applying this lavender essential oil on our foreheads. Stress could be eliminated by smelling this oil. It is said that lavender essential oil has got soothing and calming effect on body and brain. Relaxation as well as peace is achieved by this amazing oil.

Peppermint essential oil - This is also one of the major essential oil that could be used to get rid of stress and anxiety. Cooling sensation to our mind is got with this oil due to menthol in it. Both alertness as well as peace to restless mind is got when this peppermint essential oil is applied. This amazing oil could be inhaled directly or could be applied to wrist or shoulders etc.

Orange essential oil - Not many would have known that by applying orange essential oil we could get rid of stress and anxiety present in us totally. This orange is a citrus fruit and it helps in calming our nerves to a great extent. This oil could be inhaled directly or could be added to room freshener.

Lemongrass essential oil - The aromatic property of this lemongrass essential oil is superb and it helps us to get rid of stress and anxiety completely. This oil could be inhaled directly or it could be added to the air also.

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