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Quick fix methods to relieve from Knee pain

Posted on: 23/Dec/2017 10:59:34 AM
Skeleton system of human beings is the basis for any of the mobility and action involved in any activities concerning our bodies. Any kind of discomfort in the joints and bones ruins our day on a big deal. Knee joint is especially becoming a growing issue of pain and malfunction in the bulk of the population due to poor eating habit and sunlight deprivation.

As we grow older our joints gets weaker due to the degradation of the tendons and ligaments inside the bones and muscles. But in today’s modern society almost every human being are subjected to bad bone health for specific reasons like indoor based lifestyle, low body activity and most importantly unhealthy foods.

Here we are listing out some of the simple home based remedies for knee joint pain so that you can apply these in your busy lifestyle.

Water Intake

Dehydration causes the joints to erode and so bones are in direct friction in between the joints which leads to pain and discomfort. Many older people often into this type of problem and so hydrating you regularly helps you in maintaining the fluid capacity and lubrication property of your bones and ligaments.

Fiber Intake

Fiber rich foods helps largely in maintaining the proper bone health. Carrots, Beetroots and certain legumes are helpful. Mainly green leafy vegetables are rich in many nutrients capable of increasing bone density.

Onions and Garlic

Both Garlic and Onions are known for its anti-inflammatory properties and the Sulphur content in the onion helps in easing out the joints when subjected to pain and stress.


Sunlight is the ultimate source of all the living beings on our earth. So obtaining proper sunlight exposure almost gives a solution for any issues concerned with Vitamin D and mostly for Bone strength and vitality.

Yoga and Stretching Exercises

The usage of the joints on a proper way itself serves for its good purpose of healing and recovery. So stretching out the joints through exercises and Yoga increase the overall strength and capacity of entire skeletal parameters of our body.


Coconut oil has many anti-bacterial properties and healthy fat deposits which can improve the lubrication capacity of ligaments and cartilages inside the joints. Regular coconut oil massage on a bright sunlight is one of the greatest remedy for quick recovery of Knee pain.

Ginger and Turmeric Powder

When Turmeric powder and ginger is smoothed into the milk it gives an effective solution for all kind of bone related problems. Turmeric powder is an effective medicine for arthritis and osteoporosis.

Calcium and Magnesium

Including calcium and magnesium rich foods into the diet largely helps in increasing the overall knee joint strength. Milk, Banana, Bone Broth, Coconut and Eggs are most effective sources for Calcium and Magnesium.


Average cardio workouts in the morning and resistance training in the evenings will gradually improves your bone capacity to withstand your weight and stress. Active lifestyle that involves walking also acts as a catalyst for the effective knee joints.

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