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Tips to get fit and stay fit during winter

Posted on: 19/Dec/2017 4:54:13 PM
There is a lot of effort that goes into shedding kilos - we know, you’re nodding yes! It is going to be hectic to simultaneously check out what you eat and continue your workout regimen, uh, especially when it is winter time. It is during this time that even the most enthusiastic fitness freaks turn a bit dull!

Researches say that during winter months, on an average, people gain about 3 to 4 kilos an all the hard work done throughout the year would go in vain! So, figuring out the reason for weight gain during this period, it is undoubtedly not working out during this period of the year. Seasonal affective disorder may be the other reason. This is a kind of depression caused due to seasonal changes which will affect your mood and drop energy levels, thus lowering your motivation and determination to hit the gym or head out for the jog.

Because of the cold weather, you tend to curl up and prefer to stay indoors and to stay inactive unlike your regular days of gym workout and jogging regime.

You tend to sleep a lot during winter and the night hours look longer than ever. So, you tend to feel sluggish throughout the day time. Keep in mind that you tend to feel tired and drowsy when you oversleep.

Increased intake

On the other hand, you might have observed that you tend to eat a lot during winter. As the weather is cold, your biological system changes and it urges you to eat a lot because of increased metabolism, thus resulting in weight gain. There are studies that claim that when there is increase in metabolism, it indicates an increase in energy so that your body is kept warm. This also leads to more hunger and thus you chew more food.

So, we believe you have gained fair understanding of weight gain in winter. So, you should also educate yourself about the measures to take to lose kilos during this period of the year.

Opt for shorter duration workouts

Instead of opting for long duration workouts, choose to go with shorter ones. In this way, you need not skip your sessions. You may be working for about 45 to 50 minutes during summer, but during winter, you can bring this down to 25 to 30 minutes.

Indoor activity

Due to the chilling weather, you may not be able to hit the gym. You can choose to go with indoor activities instead. Practice martial arts or yoga and keep your body warm and active.

Don’t skip meals

One of the worst practices you may be doing to your own body is skipping meals. It doesn’t actually help you lose weight, but increase your weight due to overeating caused by starving. Make sure to eat small meals at short time intervals of 2 to 3 hours. And make sure not to include anything unhealthy during such meals.

Ensure to take good volume of protein

You will feel fuller when you take a lot of protein-rich foods throughout the day. Such foods prevent in binge eating and keeps your sugar levels under control.

Step tracker

On an average you need to walk about 10,000 steps in a day. Having a step tracker will be of help and it is in fact essential during winter days.

Wise choice of carbs

Your body requires carbs for its functioning. Carbs are sourced from multigrain hot cereals, brown rice, oatmeal, potatoes, and so on. All these are good options to go with.

Healthy eating

Healthy eating is important not just during winter, but throughout the year. When you eat mindless, you tend to gain a lot of weight. Opt for seasonal fruits and veggies. Cook using healthy edible oil and stay healthy.

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