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These are some amazing health benefits of consuming hummus

Posted on: 15/Nov/2018 11:03:09 AM
How many of us know what ‘Hummus’ is?

Hummus is made by blending chickpeas, olive oil, lemon juice, ground sesame seeds, garlic etc in a food processor. This hummus is a highly popular Mediterranean dip. People present in places like Middle East or in places like Greece, Turkey, Syria etc consume hummus. There are many nutrients present in hummus and this makes hummus highly popular food. Minerals like copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron etc are present in hummus. There are also vitamins like B6, C, E, K, folate etc present in hummus. It must be noted that hummus is also a fantastic source of plant based protein.

There are many health benefits of consuming hummus and they are

Good strength to bones and muscles:

This is one superb benefit got by intake of hummus. Hummus is rich in proteins and this provides great strength for the bones as well as muscles. Many bone building minerals such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, etc present in hummus are highly beneficial to us.

Combat chronic inflammation:

Our body could protect itself from infection or injury and this way by which our body protects is inflammation. There are times when inflammation persists for longer duration of time and it is known as chronic inflammation. The presence of many ingredients in hummus plays huge role in combating this chronic inflammation. The olive oil, chickpeas and sesame seeds in hummus does fabulously with their anti-inflammatory properties.

Good digestive health:

Rich in dietary fibre content, hummus helps in improving our digestive health. The dietary fibre would feed on the healthy bacteria in the gut. There would not be issue like constipation etc.

Lowers cholesterol:

It is well known that from chickpeas or garbanzo beans hummus is made. These beans have many nutrients that could help in maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol in us. Reduction in low density lipoprotein is possible.

Controls blood sugar levels:

Hummus is made from chickpeas having low glycemic index or GI. This GI measures the ability of foods that raises blood sugar levels in us.  High rise in the blood sugar levels are due to certain foods having high GI index. The high GI index could make these foods to be digested and absorbed quickly and finally result in increasing blood sugar levels.

Does not cause allergy:

Gluten causes allergy to some people. Hummus is free from gluten, free from nuts and is a dairy free food. So hummus is safe to be consumed.

Reduces risk of heart diseases:

Heart diseases affect many people these days due to their lifestyle etc. It is shocking to inform that heart diseases account for one in four deaths all over the world. The chickpeas plus olive oil and other heart healthy fats in hummus makes it a superb food as it could lower the risk of getting heart diseases.

Cancer is prevented:

Like heart diseases, cancer also kills many and by consuming hummus cancer could be prevented. The growth of cancerous cells is prevented by the phytic acid and saponins present in hummus.

Helps s in managing weight:

Obesity causes many health issues are known. Studies have shown that people who consumed chickpeas or hummus were 53 percent less likely to become obese. The protein and fibre in hummus makes us feel full and curbs hunger. The sesame seeds paste present in hummus helps in reducing stomach fat. Weight loss is promoted.

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