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Eating Pasta can help in Weight loss, a new Research concludes

Posted on: 06/Apr/2018 12:43:37 PM
Pasta can be an alternative in your weight loss regime! Pasta lovers longed for years to hear this recent research study that proved moderate Pasta consumption can be used effectively for weight loss plans.

Paleo, GM, Atkins and complete Plant based diets are gaining more importance in the zone of weight reduction mechanisms. Most of these diets reserve places for organic veggies and fruits, High quality fats and moderate proteins. Reducing or removing Carbohydrates from the diet is the main motto behind most of the modern diets.

Now the recent study conducted by University of Toronto, Canada examined the weight loss attributes and impact of Pasta on a group of people. As pasta comes under the low glycemic index foods (Low GI- measurement of the time a food takes to convert completely into usable glucose), it can be very effective component of nutrients while on a weight reduction program.

Researches shoes that consuming pasta on moderation can improve the overall satiation in the body and the hunger feel is reduced very much unlike other diets that have a major block of sustained hunger. This reduces the overall stress in the body leading to better energy levels. So moderate carbohydrates in the form of wheat pasta or whole grain pasta will impact your mood levels and boosts your energy for further weight loss practices like exercises and yoga.

The basic diet contains all kind of healthy fruits, veggies and lean proteins combined with moderate carb intake (Pasta) in this Canadian study. The Research Head clearly points out the harmless effects of Pasta when consumed correctly. However the excess consumption can improve the gluten content inside the body causing all forms of disturbances in the long term. So moderation is a must for any kind of special diets that improves the metabolic rate leading to better healthy weight loss.

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